A Year in Photos

Kelowna Newborn Photographer | A Year in Photos….Milestones for Photographing Your Baby

Everything your newborn does is perfect and precious. You quickly realize however that the moments don’t last long between new “firsts”. One day they are smiling, one day they are sitting, then crawling, then walking, It happens in a blink of an eye, and once a new milestone is reached, another looms fast on the horizon.
I am often asked what are the best months/ages to capture some of these milestones. Each developmental stage is unique and different, and each one lends itself to different poses and scenarios during any given portrait session. Here are some of my favorite milestones to photograph.

THE MATERNITY SESSION-captured around six weeks prior to your due date

We may not “LOVE” everything that comes with being pregnant….a lot of things can sure change, but it is one of those life moments that slip by quickly, and I love capturing it. It has been home to your anxiously anticipated little one for 9 months and what a beautiful home it is.   In considering a maternity session, ask if the photographer you want to hire offers a collection that has both a maternity and newborn session bundled together. If so, it could save you some money.

Vernon Maternity Photographer

THE NEWBORN SESSION-captured around two weeks of age

This session takes some pre-planning on your part. Let your photographer know when baby is born so you can schedule the session for around your second week.   The first week is such a whirl wind, you may feel a little overwhelmed even thinking about having a new born session done but there is a reason behind capturing the session during these magical first few weeks.
Newborn babies around this age, are still very comfortable being posed and as long as they are warm, and their bellies are full, they are much more prone to sleep through much of the session; which is ideal for posing. Skin tones are also really lovely at this stage and “baby acne” hasn’t started. If you know if you are having a boy or girl, chat with your photographer before hand as many photographers love to shop early for special accessories and props.

Vernon Newborn Photographer


You’ve had a newborn session, now what? Your baby is changing by the day. At 3 months, your baby is now smiling and interacting with the world around them. Some babies at this age may also be comfortable with some tummy time. All these developments make for great photographic moments.

Family Photographer


About this age, there is another great milestone.   Your baby is sitting up and laughing! It is such a fun age and one of my favorites to photograph. If your baby is not yet sitting up, wait a few weeks until that is possible. Also at this age, you may enjoy adding some fun clothing to the session.
9-12 months: If you were able to get in a 6 month session, not a lot has changed since your last session. Crawling may have started, and if you want that captured, it can be a lot of fun, but usually we can also get that adorable pose around their one year birthday.

Baby Photographer in Vernon


Celebrating your baby’s first year is for both of you! The year has come and gone so quickly and you can’t imagine life any different. It is time to capture another fantastic moment in their/your life! Crawling, standing or even walking. It’s all here by now and it allows for a great variety of poses and fun.
After your babies first birthday, I encourage you to stay connected with your photographer. Until your toddler is three, I usually suggest every six months is great. After three, time appears to slow down a bit and most of my clients plan a session once a year.
Finding a baby photographer you connect with on both a personal and professional level is one of those investments that you can’t put a price on. I have NEVER heard a parent complain that they have too many pictures of their child!

Baby Bliss Photography | Kelowna Child Photographer 036

Baby Bliss Photography specializes in newborn and baby photography in Kelowna
and surrounding areas including but not limited to Vernon.
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  • catieAugust 2, 2016 - 2:42 am

    beautiful work!ReplyCancel